Intrapersonal and interpersonal skills MCQs


Interpersonal communication – Entails communication with another person. Whereas, Intrapersonal communication Is a process in which individuals connect
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Intrapersonal and interpersonal skills

Interpersonal communication – Entails communication with another person. Whereas, Intrapersonal communication Is a process in which individuals connect with themselves either consciously or subconsciously. Here on we have designed easy Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) on Intrapersonal and interpersonal skills MCQs that include Intercultural communication MCQs. These MCQs are useful for Business management exams, Competitive exams and Professional accountancy exams.

  1. Interpersonal communication –
    1. Entails communication with another person
    2. Denotes communication within one’s self that necessarily involves the processes of thinking and feeling
    3. Is a process in which individuals connect with themselves either consciously or subconsciously
    4. All of the Above
  1. Intrapersonal communication –
    1. Entails communication with another person
    2. Denotes communication within one’s self that necessarily involves the processes of thinking and feeling
    3. Is a process in which individuals connect with themselves either consciously or subconsciously
    4. Both B&C only
  1. Intrapersonal communication includes conversations continually going on in our own minds. Such internal conversations can be for the purpose of clarifying thoughts or analysing a situation, reflecting upon or appreciating something. Mastering the skills of intrapersonal communication lays the foundation of successful socialization.
    1. The above statement is correct
    2. The above statement is incorrect
  1. The important ingredients of intrapersonal communication are:
    1. Self-concept
    2. Perception
    3. Expectations
    4. All of the above
  1. Self-concept –
    1. Provides the basis for intrapersonal communication, because it governs how a person perceives one’s self and is oriented towards other individuals.
    2. Self-concept which can also be referred to as self-awareness.
    3. Both A&B are correct
    4. None
  1. Self-concept which can also be referred to as self-awareness comprises of which of the following factors?
    1. Beliefs: are either descriptive or prescriptive, they represent basic personal attitudes and inclinations towards what is true or false, good or bad.
    2. Values: are deep-rooted morals, standards and ideals, which are consistent with beliefs about good and bad, right and wrong, ideas and actions.
    3. Attitudes: are learned predispositions and tendencies towards or against the subject matter, ideals that stem from and are generally consistent with values.
    4. All of the above
  1. The three “selves” include:
    1. Real self: what do you think of yourself when you are being honest.
    2. Ideal self: – who you would like to be or think you should be.
    3. Public self: – the one you would like others to know.
    4. All of the above
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