Introduction to Business Communication MCQs


Business communication involves the exchange of messages in a commercial environment. The reasons for exchanging messages include:
Introduction to Business communications MCQs | MCQs.CLUB

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Introduction to Business communication MCQs

Business communication involves the exchange of messages in a commercial environment. Here on you will find easy understandable Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) on Business communication. These MCQs are useful for Business management exams, Competitive exams and Professional accountancy exams.

  1. Business communication involves the exchange of messages in a commercial environment.
    1. The above statement is true
    2. The above statement is false
  1. The reasons for exchanging messages include:
    1. to promote a product, service, or the organization itself
    2. to inform and share information within a business
    3. to request a decision; and persuade the recipient of something.
    4. All of the above
  1. The effectiveness of an organisation depends to a large extent on the effectiveness of communication by its managers and employees.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. Organization – An organisation is a social arrangement for the controlled performance of collective goals that has a boundary separating it from its environment.
    1. False
    2. True
  1. The characteristics that differentiate organisations include:
      1. Ownership – public or private
      2. Control
      3. Activity
      4. Geographical location
      5. Legal status – incorporated, partnership, sole trader
    1. (II) and (III) only
    2. (I) and (V) only
    3. All of the above
    4. None
  1. The common benefits of organisations include:
    1. They can overcome individual limitations.
    2. They can enable specialisation.
    3. Synergies can be identified that save both time and money.
    4. They can enable the accumulation and sharing of knowledge as well as the pooling of expertise.
    5. All of the above
  1. A stakeholder is a ______________ that has a stake in the organisation – i.e. an interest to protect in respect of what the organisation does and how it performs.
    1. Person
    2. Group
    3. Organization
    4. All of the above
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