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Written Business Messages MCQs
What are the techniques one should adopt to keep business writing simple: Use active sentences rather than passive, Be definite, Write concisely, Use short paragraphs, Use short sentences, Leave out unnecessary words, Use short words. Here on we have prepared easy Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) on Written Business Messages that fully cover planning business messages MCQs, business message examples MCQs, MCQs on types of business messages, effective business messages MCQs, courteous and positive business messages. These MCQs are useful for Business management exams, Professional Accountancy exams and Competitive exams.
- What are the techniques one should adopt to keep business writing simple?
- Use active sentences rather than passive
- Be definite
- Write concisely
- Use short paragraphs
- Use short sentences
- Leave out unnecessary words
- Use short words
- All the seven
- (I) (IV) and (Vi) only
- (I) (IV) and (V) only
- None
- Writing business message concisely should achieve which of the following?
- Letters and memos should be no more than one page long.
- Reports should be no longer than two pages.
- Lay out your message as concisely as possible.
- Use bullet points and lists to make information easy to read and absorb.
- All of the above
- Huge walls of words and half-page long paragraphs are overwhelming. Long paragraphs tend to mix points and lack flow or structure.
- True
- False
- Paragraph should be constructed as:
- The first sentence should state the main point of the paragraph.
- The rest of the paragraph expands the idea.
- Each paragraph should only contain one main idea.
- Use transitions to connect one paragraph to the next e.g. Yet, But, Also, Similarly
- All of the above
- Longer sentences are harder to understand than short ones. One should aim for:
- 20 words maximum per sentence
- One main point per sentence
- Both A&B
- None
- Cliché – A phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought.
- The above definition is correct
- The above definition is incorrect
- Examples of clichés often found in business communication that should be avoided include:
- Methodology, Mandates, In respect of
- Thanking you in anticipation
- Hereby acknowledge
- All of the above
- Jargon – Special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.
- The above definition is correct
- The above definition is incorrect
- Which of the following is correct regarding Jargon?
- Using jargon normally means the reader has to work harder to understand
- It can be useful to use jargon which is specific to your work when the reader will understand it.
- Always keep in mind that communication can become boring if too much relevant jargon is used.
- All of the above
- “Headings” in written business communications should be lower case except for the first letter. There should be no underlining or full stop.
- False
- True
- Bullets and dashes help structure a document. General rules to adopt are:
- If a bullet point is a sentence, give it a capital letter and full stop.
- If the bullet point is a single word or phrase, use lower case and punctuate with a semi- colon where further points follow. The last point will then end with a full-stop.
- Both A&B
- None
- Proof-reading is a vital component of the writing process. What possible steps to adopt to ensure proof-reading?
- Always use a spellchecker
- Take a break once you have completed the first draft before proofreading. With a clear mind and renewed energy, you will pick up errors much more efficiently.
- Ask a colleague to review the message.
- All of the above
- Sincerity and tact – In Business communication:
- Being tactful and sincere are invaluable skills in being persuasive with your business messages.
- Tact and sincerity make it possible to give an adverse opinion or make a criticism without causing offence.
- Both A&B
- None
- The steps of using the ‘you’ approach include:
- Find out as much as you can about the reader
- Consider what the reader’s worries about the subject might be
- Visualise having a conversation with the reader
- Write the message from the reader’s viewpoint, explaining what all the benefits are.
- Use personal pronouns like ‘you’ and ‘yours’ rather than ‘me’ and ‘mine’
- Sound genuine. Your reader will quickly realise if you are being insincere.
- All of the Six steps
- (II) and (IV) only
- (I) (III) and (IV) only
- None
- The use of buffers is recommended to soften the adverse impact of bad news messages. However, in certain situations it is considered advisable to avoid the use of buffers while conveying negative or unfavourable messages and come directly to the point of the message.
When is direct approach considered to be more appropriate and effective option for conveying bad news messages?
- Communicating negative messages to busy senior executives who have to take prompt decisions.
- To illustrate the gravity of the bad news.
- If unfavorable message is not of much significance to the recipient.
- All of the above
- The use of buffers is recommended to soften the adverse impact of bad news messages. However, in certain situations it is considered advisable to avoid the use of buffers while conveying negative or unfavourable messages and come directly to the point of the message.
All the statements are true for direct approach EXCEPT:
- A If the recipient has a tendency to skim the text and there are chances that the important message may be missed.
- If the reader refuses to see reason and accepts the bad news and there is likelihood that the buffer may be interpreted as weakness.
- Used only for outsider
- All of the above
- Marketing Experts know that prospective customers receive numerous visual and audio sales promotion messages. The customers have to discern from these messages which products or services best satisfy their needs and are also most cost-effective.
Identify the steps which a skilled marketing expert should keep in mind in the planning and communication of an effective and well-targeted promotion message.
- Empathise with the needs, Identify the target market, create a convincing message, Select the most suitable media
- Identify the target market, Empathise with the needs, create a convincing message, Select the most suitable media
- Create a convincing message, Identify the target market, Empathise with the needs, Select the most suitable media
- Identify the target market, Select the most suitable media, Empathise with the needs, Create a convincing message
- All are true for persuasive messages, EXCEPT:
- Use emotional and logical appeals in a balanced manner
- Reinforce the Proposal by providing additional evidence of the benefits
- Anticipate no objections from the reader
- These require lot of marketing skills
- You have to make an Oral Presentation to a knowledgeable audience which would be followed by a question and answer session. All the considerations are important EXCEPT
- The language of the oral presentation should be specifically adapted.
- Presentation must include Graphics.
- Should be organised in a logical sequence.
- Should be based on proper use of grammar and pronunciation.
- Oral presentation can be made effective with:
- Eye contact with the audience and body language used to emphasise any particular point(s)
- Excessive body movements should be avoided as it would distract the audience.
- An alert attitude should be retained to reply to the questions from the audience
- All of the above
- Briefly describe the circumstances in which an adjustment letter is commonly used.
- Sent in response to a claim or complaint and includes the final outcome
- Sent after some type of initial communication
- Sent to let others know that they have received a communication
- Accompanies something such as a package or report
—More to come soon—
2 Responses
I am a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) student. our exams are “Mcqs” based. This website is useful, found alot related to my exam. Can you kindly post more?
Thanks in advance!
Yeah sure. Stay tuned 🙂