CFA Level 1 – Introduction to the global investment performance standards (GIPS) MCQs


A variety of misleading reporting procedures are used. Some of these misleading practices include representative accounts, survivorship bias, varying time

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» Introduction to the global investment performance standards (GIPS) MCQs

CFA Level 1 – Introduction to the global investment performance standards (GIPS) MCQs

A variety of misleading reporting procedures are used. Some of these misleading practices include representative accounts, survivorship bias, varying time periods. Here in we have made easy and useful exams focus Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) on global investment performance standards gips cfa that fully cover MCQs on cfa institute gips, gips cfa, cfa gips standards. Mastering gips for your level 1 CFA exam is made easy withs the practice questions, which helps you to test Your gips standards knowledge. These free analyst notes are also useful for competitive exams, other professional accountancy exams and business management exams.

  1. A variety of misleading reporting procedures are used. Some of these misleading practices include:
    1. Representative accounts
    2. Survivorship bias
    3. Varying time periods—showing performance for selected time periods with outstanding returns.
    4. All of the above
  1. Introduction to the Global Investment performance Standards (GIPS) are a set of ethical principles based on a standardized, industry-wide approach.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. Which of the following is correct?
    1. Investment firms can voluntarily follow GIPS in their presentation of historical investment results to prospective clients.
    2. GIPS standards seek to avoid misrepresentations of performance.
    3. Both A&B
    4. None
  1. Composite – is a grouping of individual discretionary portfolios representing a similar investment strategy, objective, or mandate. Examples of possible composites include:
    1. Large Capitalization Growth Stocks
    2. Investment Grade Domestic Bonds
    3. Both A&B
    4. None
  1. Which of the following is correct?
    1. Firms are encouraged to pursue independent verification.
    2. Verification applies to the entire firm’s performance measurement practices and methods, not a selected composite.
    3. Both A&B
    4. None
  1. GIPS Objectives include:
    1. To ensure consistent, accurate investment performance data in areas of reporting, records, marketing, and presentations.
    2. To promote global “self-regulation.”
    3. To obtain global acceptance of calculation and presentation standards in a fair, comparable format with full disclosure.
    4. All of the above
  1. Key Characteristics of GIPS include:
    1. There will be no partial compliance and only full compliance can be claimed.
    2. GIPS contain both required and recommended provisions—firms are encouraged to adopt the recommended provisions.
    3. GIPS are ethical standards for performance presentation which ensure fair representation of results and full disclosure.
    4. All of the above
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