Consumer Behavior MCQs | Nonprofit and Internal marketing


The main theories of consumer behaviour include, the cognitive paradigm sees a purchase as the outcome of a rational decision-making process,
Consumer Behavior MCQs nonprofit and internal marketing | MCQs.CLUB

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Consumer Behavior MCQs

The main theories of consumer behaviour include, the cognitive paradigm sees a purchase as the outcome of a rational decision-making process, the learned behaviour theory emphasises the importance of past purchases, the habitual decision-making theory emphasises habit and brand loyalty. Here on we have designed simple Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) on consumer behaviour that wholly covers course like nonprofit and internal marketing, factors influencing and affecting consumer behaviour, types of buying decision behaviour. Moreover, MCQs on corporate social marketing with examples. These MCQs are benefical for Professional Accountancy exams, Business management exams and Competitive exams.

  1. Research suggests that customers go through a series of decision-making process in any purchase. Identify the stages:
    1. Need recognition
    2. Information search
    3. Evaluation of alternatives
    4. Decision to purchase
    5. Post purchase evaluation
      1. All of the above
      2. (II) (III) and (IV) only
      3. (III) and (IV) only
      4. All of the above
  1. The outcome of the evaluation process may be a decision to:
    1. Buy the product now
    2. Not buy the at all
    3. Defer the purchase of the product
    4. To start the process again
    5. All of the above
  1. Identify the factors that influence buying decisions of a customer:
    1. Socio/cultural influences
    2. Personal influences (e.g. age, family status, economic circumstances)
    3. Psychological influences (e.g. motivation, perception, learning, Beliefs and attitudes)
    4. All of the above
  1. Identify the main theories of consumer behaviour.
    1. The cognitive paradigm sees a purchase as the outcome of a rational decision-making process.
    2. The learned behaviour theory emphasises the importance of past purchases.
    3. The habitual decision-making theory emphasises habit and brand loyalty.
    4. All of the above
  1. Buying patterns are heavily influenced by an individual’s economic circumstances. An individual’s economic circumstances consist of:
    1. Spendable income: its level, stability and time pattern
    2. Savings and assets, including the percentage that is liquid
    3. Borrowing power
    4. Attitude toward spending versus saving
    5. All of the above
  1. Which of the following statement is correct regarding ‘organisations as buyer’?
    1. Organisations are viewed as more rational than individuals. The buying decision making process is likely to be formal.
    2. Organisational (or industrial) buying is the process organisations use to establish the need to purchase products and services and how these products and services are selected and purchased.
    3. Both A&B
    4. None
  1. When considering organisational markets certain factors should be taken into account. Identify such factors.
    1. Organisational markets normally comprise fewer buyers, with a few buyers responsible for the majority of sales.
    2. Because of this smaller customer base and the importance and power of larger customers there is generally a close relationship between buyer and seller.
    3. Demand for industrial goods is ultimately derived from the demand for consumer goods. The total demand for many industrial products is not affected much by price changes.
    4. The purchase decision is usually made by consensus in an organisational setting, rather than being the responsibility of one person.
    5. All of the above
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