MCQs on Organizational change – Leading and managing change


In order to respond effectively to opportunities and threats, the organisation may need to make changes to its current products, markets or processes.
MCQs on Organizational change | MCQs.CLUB

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MCQs on Organizational change

In order to respond effectively to opportunities and threats, the organisation may need to make changes to its current products, markets or processes. Here on MCQs.CLUB we have written easy and understandable Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) on organizational change that fully cover Practice Test Questions on What is organizational change? Definition and examples, meaning, types, levels, organizational change management, organizational change management and implementing change in an organization with change management strategies, process of organisational change, these also cover MCQs on change management culture. These mcq on organizational change with answers is a complete guide to organizational change and are also useful for business management exams, competitive exams and business management exams.

  1. In order to respond effectively to opportunities and threats, the organisation may need to make changes to its current products, markets or processes. The environment can act as a trigger for change in organisations.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. The exact triggers for change will depend on the context of an organisation and its industry. Identify from the following that could act as change triggers:
    1. Arrival of new entrants into the market, or mergers/acquisitions between existing competitors in the industry.
    2. Changes in level or intensity of competition (prompting a need to gain or protect market share).
    3. New laws or regulations affecting an industry; or changes in government legislation more generally.
    4. All of the above
  1. One useful way of prioritising change triggers – and strategic uncertainties more generally – is in relation to their impact and immediacy. The impact (importance) of a strategic uncertainty is related to:
    1. The extent to which it involves trends or events that will impact the organization
    2. The importance to the organisation of the business units or products affected by the uncertainty/trigger
    3. The number of business units or products potentially affected by the uncertainty; i.e. the scale of the impact on the organization
    4. All of the above
  1. Which of the following is correct?
    1. Once it has identified the opportunities and threats present in its environment, an organisation has to decide how to respond to them, and which of them need to be given the highest priority.
    2. The organisation’s response to opportunities and threats could then act as trigger for organisational change.
    3. Both A&B
    4. None
  1. It is very hard to ignore the impact of change on contemporary businesses. Implementing and managing change is often an integral part of strategy implementation.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. Change management can be defined as ‘the continuous process of aligning an organisation with its marketplace and doing it more responsively and effectively than competitors’.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. For an organisation to respond to the need for change, it needs a way of planning for, and implementing changes. Organisations may need to make strategic changes for lots of different reasons. For example:
    1. Dealing with changes in the global economy and global markets
    2. Allowing an organisation to grow, either organically or through mergers or acquisition
    3. Restructuring or reorganising the business
    4. Implementing new technologies and business processes
    5. All of the above
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