Performance measurement MCQs | Performance management


Performance measurement is collecting, analyzing and reporting information regarding individual, organization or system. It involves study of processes and strategies.
Performance measurement MCQs Performance management | MCQs.CLUB

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Performance measurement MCQs

Performance measurement is collecting, analyzing and reporting information regarding individual, organization or system. It involves study of processes and strategies. Here on we have designed simple and easy understandable Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) on Performance measurement that fully covers the courses on Performance management, budget and budgetary control, its definition, meaning, system, techniques, types, concepts, key principles. There are also Strategic control and critical success factors MCQs covered. These MCQs are useful for Business management exams, Accountancy exams and competitive exams.

  1. Performance management –:
    1. Is a process by which organization align their resources, systems and employees to strategic objectives?
    2. Is collecting, analyzing and reporting information regarding individual, organization or system. It involves study of processes and strategies.
    3. Both A&B
    4. None
  1. Performance measurement –:
    1. Is a process by which organization align their resources, systems and employees to strategic objectives?
    2. Is collecting, analyzing and reporting information regarding individual, organization or system. It involves study of processes and strategies.
    3. Both A&B
    4. None
  1. Companies will need to develop measurement mixes to reflect their critical success factor listing. The mix will consider:
    1. Environment
    2. Strategy
    3. Business type
    4. All of the above
  1. The mix often forms the basis for the reward scheme for senior executives and consideration must be given to the issues of sub optimality and short-term risks.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. Which of the following statement is correct with regard to the determination of the measurement mix?
    1. Identify the objectives of the process and order them in terms of priority.
    2. Identify the critical success factors of the operation as first seen.
    3. Perform a position audit to identify the current situation and identify any extra critical success factors.
    4. With a view of the critical success factors, develop a pilot measurement mix, perhaps containing a mixture of financial and non-financial elements (balanced scorecard).
    5. Evaluate the mix in terms of culture and change implication.
    6. Deploy and monitor
      1. All of the above
      2. (I) (IV) and (V) only
      3. (IV) and (V) only
      4. None
  1. Which of the following statement is correct?
    1. Too many measures lead to indicator overload
    2. If something is measured then the importance of that item is highlighted to staff and such this is communication exercise.
    3. At the same time, when you drop a measure from the mix, you will be communicating that it is no longer appropriate.
    4. All of the above are correct
  1. Single loop feedback –:
    1. Results in the system’s behaviour being altered to meet the plan.
    2. Can result in changes to the plan itself.
    3. Both A&B
    4. None
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