MCQs on Governance and Regulation in Business management


A country's government has a major role to play in the success or failure of its economy. Governments can influence: The macroeconomic environment, Legal
MCQs on Governance and Regulation in Business management | MCQs.CLUB

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MCQs on Governance and Regulation in Business management

A country’s government has a major role to play in the success or failure of its economy. Governments can influence: The macroeconomic environment, Legal and market regulation and Corporate governance and social responsibility. Here on we have prepared Multiple-choice Questions (MCQs) on Governance and Regulation that fully covers MCQs on Government Intervention in Business, Government and the Macroeconomic Environment Market Regulation, Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility. These MCQs are useful for Professional accountancy exams, Business management exams and Competitive exams.

  1. A country’s government has a major role to play in the success or failure of its economy. Governments can influence:
    1. The macroeconomic environment
    2. Legal and market regulation
    3. Corporate governance and social responsibility
    4. All of the above
  1. The macroeconomic environment is concerned with factors in the overall economy, for example interest rates, exchange rates and levels of demand and supply. Whereas, Microeconomics is concerned with economic circumstances of individual industries or companies.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. A government will usually have main objectives for its macroeconomic policy including:
    1. Economic growth, Controlled inflation
    2. Employment, A controlled balance of trade and exchange rate
    3. Both A&B
    4. None
  1. Governments seek low, stable inflation for a number of reasons including:
    1. Stable inflation creates certainty – the ideal condition for business investment.
    2. Low inflation levels are fairer to those on low or fixed incomes.
    3. Both A&B
    4. None
  1. Governments are keen to increase the overall level of employment for a number of reasons including:
    1. A number of societal problems, such as crime, poor health and the breakdown of family units are linked to unemployment.
    2. Large numbers of employment people can stifle economic growth because being on a low income means an individual can afford to spend less and therefore demand within the economy falls.
    3. Both A&B
    4. None
  1. National account balances – measure the production, income and expenditure levels within an economy. The balance of trade forms part of the current account of a nation’s national account balances.
    1. The above is correct
    2. The above is incorrect
  1. The elements of National accounts are:
    1. Current account
    2. Capital account
    3. Financial account
    4. Balance sheet
    5. All of the above
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