Forms of business communication MCQs


Forms of business communication include Non-verbal communication, Written communication, Visual communication, Verbal communication.
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Forms of business communication MCQs

Forms of business communication include Non-verbal communication, Written communication, Visual communication, Verbal communication. Here on we have prepared easy Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) on forms of business communication mcqs that include forms of written business communications MCQs, visual communication MCQs, Face to face communication MCQs, MCQs on Types of listener. Our prepared MCQs are helpful for Business management exams, Professional exams and competitive exams.

  1. Forms of business communication include:
    1. Non-verbal communication
    2. Written communication
    3. Visual communication
    4. Verbal communication
    5. All of the above
  1. Non-verbal communication –
    1. Non-verbal communication refers to the process of communication that facilitates sending and receiving silent and wordless cues between people.
    2. Non-verbal communications convey a message from or about the person giving them.
    3. Both A&B
    4. None
  1. Non-verbal communication is an effective business communication tool as it can be used to give a message when used effectively. Examples, include:
    1. Creating a particular impression – smile, firm handshake, punctuality, smart dress.
    2. Reinforcing spoken message indicating seriousness, interest and engagement – e.g. an emphatic gesture, sparkling eyes, disapproving frown.
    3. Providing feedback – applause, fidgeting, yawn.
    4. All of the above
  1. Key Features of non-verbal messages are:
      1. These are silent messages and do not use words.
      2. Non-verbal communication takes place at every level and in all age groups.
      3. Verbal communication has restrictions in terms of reach whereas non-verbal communication has no such boundaries.
      4. It depends heavily upon the power of observation.
    1. All of the above
    2. (II) and (III) only
    3. (III)
    4. None
  1. Forms of non-verbal communication include:
    1. Facial expressions, Body posture, Gestures
    2. Personal appearance, Eye contact, Movement and stillness
    3. Silence and sound, Personal space
    4. All of the above
  1. A person to have quality communication skills must possess the knowledge of non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication helps us communicate the feelings and emotions behind the words spoken.
    1. The above statement is correct
    2. The above statement is incorrect
  1. Functions of Non-verbal behavior include:
    1. As a means to persuade or control others
    2. To clarify things, to stress and to complement
    3. Non-verbal cues can also be used to substitute verbal expression
    4. All of the above
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