Quality Management MCQs


Quality management is concerned with controlling activities with the aim of ensuring that products or services are fit for their purpose, and meet
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Quality Management MCQs

Quality management is concerned with controlling activities with the aim of ensuring that products or services are fit for their purpose, and meet specifications. Quality management encompasses quality assurance and quality control. Here on MCQs.club we have prepared easy Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) on Quality Management System (QMS) that covers quality management process, its types, ISO quality standards, quality control system, steps and implementation, strategic, enterprise and product quality management. These MCQs are helpful for Business Management, Accountancy and Competitive exams.

  1. QUALITY is ‘the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service which bears on its ability to meet stated or implied needs’
    1. True
    2. False
    1. is concerned with controlling activities with the aim of ensuring that products or services are fit for their purpose, and meet specifications. Quality management encompasses quality assurance and quality control.
    2. focuses on the way a product or service is produced. Procedures and standards are devised with the aim of ensuring defects are eliminated (or at least minimized) during the development/production process.
    3. is concerned with checking and reviewing work that has been done. Quality control therefore has a narrower focus than quality assurance.
    4. None
    1. is concerned with controlling activities with the aim of ensuring that products or services are fit for their purpose, and meet specifications. Quality management encompasses quality assurance and quality control.
    2. focuses on the way a product or service is produced. Procedures and standards are devised with the aim of ensuring defects are eliminated (or at least minimized) during the development/production process.
    3. is concerned with checking and reviewing work that has been done. Quality control therefore has a narrower focus than quality assurance.
    4. None
    1. is concerned with controlling activities with the aim of ensuring that products or services are fit for their purpose, and meet specifications. Quality management encompasses quality assurance and quality control.
    2. focuses on the way a product or service is produced. Procedures and standards are devised with the aim of ensuring defects are eliminated (or at least minimized) during the development/production process.
    3. is concerned with checking and reviewing work that has been done. Quality control therefore has a narrower focus than quality assurance.
    4. None
  1. Which of the following is correct with regard to quality management?
    1. Commitment – A commitment to quality is required from top management down to the most junior level employees.
    2. Competence – Employees must ‘know what they are doing’. Training is important.
    3. Communication – The need for quality, and the benefits of quality, must be communicated throughout the organization.
    4. Continuous improvement – Quality involves always looking to ‘raise the bar’.
    5. All of the above are correct
  1. ‘Quality’ usually meant quality control – which meant inspection. Inspection was usually carried out at:
    1. Receiving inspection
    2. Floor or process inspection
    3. Final inspection or testing
    4. All of the above
  1. Which of the following statement is correct with regard to inspection?
    1. The inspection process itself does not add value. If it could be guaranteed that no defective items were produced there would be no need for a separate inspection function.
    2. The inspection function itself involves requires resources, both people and facilities.
    3. The production of substandard products is a waste of materials, machine time, human efforts, and overheads.
    4. The production of defects is not compatible with newer production techniques such as just-in-time – there is no time for inspection.
    5. Working capital is tied up in inventory which cannot be sold.
    6. In a service industry, damage will have been done to customer relations before inspection takes place.
      1. All of the above
      2. (I) (III) (VI) only
      3. (II) and (VI) only
      4. None
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